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Choi Sin-yi (Emilie)


PhD candidate in the School of Creative Media

City University of Hong Kong

1/2022 - Present


Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Academy of Visual Arts (theory-based)

Baptist University of Hong Kong

1/2018 - 7/2021


Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies

Lingnan University

9/2010 - 5/2014



(Peer-reviewed book chapter) “A Critical Study of The 70’s Biweekly and Its Political Cinematic Practices”, in The 70’s Biweekly: Social Activism and Alternative Cultural Production in 1970s Hong Kong, ed. Pan Lu, published by HKU Press (Jul 2023).


(Peer-reviewed research paper) “Investigating Hong Kong Alternative Cinema: The Formation of Cinephilias in the late 1960s”, Modernism/modernity, special issue: Global South Cinephilias, ed. Rielle Navitski, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, (May 2024).


(Co-editor of the special issue and contributor) Remediating actuality and journalistic events: a media-turn of Post-2019 Hong Kong documentary” in Journal of Chinese Cinema, special issue: Post-2019 Hong Kong Cinema: Paradox and Polarization, ed. Emilie Choi Sin-yi and Kristof Van den Troost, forthcoming. (Presented in Society for Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference 2023.)


(Working book chapter and under review) “Rethinking Chinese-ness and post-coloniality: a feminist study of experimental documentaries by Trinh T. Minh-ha (Vietnam) and Yau Ching (Hong Kong)”, in Refocus: The Films of Trinh T. Minh-ha, ed. Vivienne Tailor & Nguyen Thi Minh, published by Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming. 



Grant & Fellowship

Curatorial Program for Research CPR 2023: (Re) Presentation in the Nordics (fully covered)
August 20–September 4, 2023, Norway, Sweden, and Finland


Research Tuition Scholarship (City University of Hong Kong)



Postgraduate Scholarship (Hong Kong University Grants Committee)


Funded research by the Art Development Council for the 58th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia (“the Biennale”) in Venice, Italy

8-10/5/2019, Research project of the female artist in the contemporary art ecology. 



Academic conference


16/3/2024 [Presenter] “Video art or video activism: A Comparative Study of Participatory Media and Collective Formation in Hong Kong and Taiwan in the 1980s”, in the panel of Revolutionizing The Screens: Emerging Media and Everyday Activism in Chinese Societies across the Pacific, organized by the annual conference of the Society For Cinema and Media Studies 2024, Boston, US.


17/6/2023 [Chair & Presenter] “Remediating actuality and journalistic events: a media-turn of Post-2019 Hong Kong documentary”, in the panel of Post-2019 Hong Kong Cinema: Paradox and Polarization, Society for Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference 2023.


19/5/2023 [Invited presenter] “Platform as resilience: negotiating against film censorship through online streaming”, Academic Workshop: Censorship and Creativity in Hong Kong Cinema, organized by The Center for Chinese Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong.


13/8/2022 [Presenter] “Drifting from present to the past: reconfiguring an alternative discourse of Hong Kong history in the recent political documentary”, in the panel of Historical Reinvention and Image Politics in Hong Kong Documentary, XXVIII Visible Evidence 2022, held at University of GdaÅ„sk, Poland.


31/5/2022 [Presenter] “What makes the dispersed narratives in Global South: An Ethnographic Study of Alternative Archives in Hong Kong”, Eye International Conference 2022, organized by Eye Filmmuseum in Amsterdam.


24/3/2022 [Presenter] “A 1970s Film Collective: Phoenix and the Experimental Cinema of Hong Kong”, in the panel of Crime, Eros, and Intellect: The 1970s and the Making of Modern Hong Kong in Film, annual conference of Association for Asian Studies 2022.


18/2/2022 [Presenter] “Green Team and Video Power: a comparative study of independent video activism and collective formation in Hong Kong and Taiwan”, Multiple Decolonialities and the Making of Asian Commons, organized by the School of Humanities, Nanyang Technological.


12/7/2021 [Presenter] “Youth Politics after 1967: An Examination of the Political Re-enactment in Beggar (1970)” in the panel of Hong Kong during a Previous Age of Global Crisis: Politics and Society in Post-1967 Cinema, Society for Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference 2021, organized by Hong Kong Studies Association.


12/12/2020 [Presenter] “From amateur to experimental: a study of Ho Fan’s experimental moving image art”, Hong Kong Studies Symposium on Hong Kong and Visual Arts, organized by Hong Kong Studies Association.



Curation & related projects


Jumping Frames – Hong Kong International Movement-image Festival 2023, researcher & editor
12-17 Sep, Eaton HK


Macao Experimental Cinema at Macao Alternative Music Festival 2023, co-curator
6 Aug 2023, Teatro Capitol


Jumping Frames – Hong Kong International Movement-image Festival 2022

Expanded Space: Body Dis-ordered (exhibition), co-curator

1 Sep - 2 Oct 2022, Tomorrow Maybe@Eaton HK


Jumping Frames – Hong Kong International Movement-image Festival 2022
Body Archive: Trajectory Re-imagined for Hong Kong and Taiwan -- Body of Flâneur (Screening), curator
3 Sep, 2022, Kino@Eaton HK


Nothing Has Happened (exhibition and performance), curator

5-15 Jan, 2022, HART Haus


Memory as Border/less (online screening), curator
14-28 Nov, 2021, Ge.Stell


Jumping Frames – Hong Kong International Movement-image Festival 2021

Performative Doc and Expanded Space (screening and exhibition), co-curator

May – Oct, 2021, Kino & Tomorrow Maybe@Eaton HK


Remembering a Performance (Talk and workshop), co-ordinator

Nov 2018, Asia Art Archive and Lingnan University


The Hong Kong Docuthon (Documenting Hong Kong Culture Masterclass with Ackbar Abbas), researcher & curator
Nov 2017, Lingnan University Cultural Studies Department


Hong Kong Retrospective Documentary Film Festival: From 80s to 1997, (Funded by Arts Development Council), curator

May 2017, Autonomous Cinema at Hong Kong Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity



Other professional services and affiliation  


External assessor, Hong Kong Arts Development Council (Streams: Film and Media Arts, Art Criticism)

Aug 2020 - Present


Board member, Videotage

Sep 2020 - Present


1a Space Art Criticism Workshop, tutor

Nov 2019 – Feb 2020



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